Tag: stewardship

Stewardship Update

David Schowalter & The Stewardship Team Thanks to prompt responses from so many in the congregation to our solicitation on Stewardship Sunday at the beginning of the month, as of this writing we have $152,359 pledged for the 2023-2024 church year!  This is excellent progress towards our goal of over $211,000.  Kudos to all who … Continue reading Stewardship Update

How Does Your Garden Grow?

by David Schowalter & The Stewardship Team It is that glorious time of year again… no, no, not Spring yet…, but Stewardship Season! This year, the stewardship theme is “Planting our Future,” which takes its cue from the incredible work our Garden On Team is doing with the landscaping of our reinvented property. The themes … Continue reading How Does Your Garden Grow?

Stewardship Notes – Summer Finances

by David Schowalter, UUCW Stewardship Team David Schowalter of the UUCW Stewardship Team discusses finances during the summer months and the importance of maintaining pledges. For more information or to connect with a member of the Stewardship Team please email .