Let us know how you’d like to Get Connected!  


Religious Exploration preK – grade 8: Using a multi-age curriculum, each week we present lessons appropriate to our times and our UU faith, a faith of justice whose first principle calls us to honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person.


Youth Group grades 9 – 12: The Youth Group meets Sunday evenings for community building, discussion, games, outreach opportunities and learning experiences.



Adult Faith Development Team: The Adult Faith Development Team develops, organizes, facilitates and evaluates a variety of adult enrichment and faith development programs for the Congregation.


Small Group Ministry is part of the Adult Faith Development Program and offers participants opportunities to meet in small groups for support and spiritual growth.



Women’s Group: The Women’s Social Circle meets twice a month on Saturday morning for lively, casual conversation and connection. It’s a great way to get to know the other wonderful women in this congregation and community. You are welcome to bring your child/children if you need to. You don’t have to be a regular Sunday service attendee to enjoy this group. We offer a hearty welcome to all women and those who identify as women. Join us! 


Social Threads: Social Threads is a quilting and sewing community that meets monthly to share ideas, work on projects and get creative. 


Book Group: The Book Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Members read and discuss both fiction and non-fiction books of interest to the group. 


Men’s Group: The Men’s Group is a community of men that help and support each other. The meetings are confidential and are an opportunity for men to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful conversation. All those who consider themselves male are welcome to attend.


Family Game Night: UUCW hosts a monthly family game night on the first Friday from 6 – 8:30 pm. Enjoy pizza and board games with UUCW friends.
Watch The Message for updates.

Lunch with the Minister: All are invited to join the minister for lunch on the first Wednesday of the month. Bring a lunch and enjoy conversation with UUCW friends. Check the website for updates.

Fiber Arts Group: Open to knitters, crocheters, cross-stitchers and more. We don’t discriminate based on thread of choice! Wednesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the church.
Contact Dianne Mann with questions.


Connections Team: The Connections Team welcomes visitors and newcomers and helps them become connected to our community.


Pastoral Care Team: The Pastoral Care Team responds to the special needs of the Congregation. This may include a hospital visit, help with meals, or outreach through cards or phone calls. Our goal is to support congregants in their time of need. New people are always welcome to join our team!


Kitchen/HOST Team: The Kitchen/HOST team oversees and coordinates the weekly coffee hour following the service. Groups, classes and individuals sign up to HOST one or two Sundays each year. The HOST Team ensures that the weeks are covered, the kitchen is stocked, and our HOSTS are trained on serving and clean-up. Please join our team to keep smiles (and coffee and snacks) flowing during our special time to gather after the Sunday morning service. 


Gardening Team: The Garden-On Team’s mission is to create native plant spaces at UUCW in concert with the church’s belief in our role as a part of the interdependent web of existence. The team seeks to inspire fellow congregants and the community to plant natives in their own gardens.


Building and Grounds Working Group: The Building and Grounds Working Group is the organizational structure for scheduling and communication between all the work being conducted on the building and grounds at UUCW. It is the focus of decision-making and communication with the board.


Stewardship Team: The Stewardship Team is a group of members who coordinate and oversee an annual pledge drive and actively educate the congregation on aspects of Church finance.


The Larger Unitarian Universalist Association: We connect to the Regional and National Unitarian Universalist Association. Our Congregation is not alone. Feel the energy of the larger UU movement.



Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry extends compassionate help in the form of food and other related resources to people in the local area. We treat all people with dignity and strive to care for each person individually. Food is distributed on the third Saturday of each month and we also provide food on an emergency basis to those who contact the Church directly. 


In the Hour of Need Family Shelter: UUCW is one of the area congregations that partners with this family homeless shelter in Worcester. We provide community building activities, overnight staffing, and assistance with house maintenance projects. We also fundraise and offer an annual pledge to the program. 


Refugee Ministry Team: The Refugee Ministry Team works with area resettlement agencies on behalf of the Congregation to provide resources and support for refugee families in the region.


Dismas House is a transition program for men coming out of incarceration back into the community. We prepare dinner for the residents once a month and enjoy the meal with them. It’s a small but vital social justice action anyone can do to support the success of people seeking a second chance.

Contact: dismas@uucworcester.org

Greater Worcester Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministry (GWUUCM) is the umbrella organization that provides religious connection, leadership training, and pastoral support through professional chaplaincy to UU and UU-curious students attending Worcester area colleges. All meetings take place on the individual campuses through their own student-run clubs. Anyone currently attending one of the area academic institutions of higher learning is welcome to connect.  


The Get Out the Vote Team was organized as a working group of the Side with Love Team in June 2020 to focus on voter education and civic engagement. Our mission is to fight voter suppression and empower people who are often marginalized or may be unlikely to vote by providing tools and education to be more engaged in the democratic process. 

Contact: for more information or to be on the email distribution list. 

Side with Love is UUCW’s social justice and advocacy group. SWL meets regularly to discuss ways to become more knowledgeable about issues of justice and equality, in addition to taking action to advance equity and justice. Current interests include racial equity, environmental justice and civic engagement.


The 8th Principle Task Force is organizing a campaign at UUCW to educate and inform the Congregation about bringing a new principle to UUCW. The 8th Principle commits to dismantling racism and other oppression in our world at large, as well as building a beloved multicultural community. The Task Force is organizing events and activities leading up to a Congregational vote on whether to adopt the 8th Principle in June 2023.



Worship Arts Team: The Worship Arts Team focuses on the development of worship experiences that reflect the mission, vision, and values of the Congregation – including diverse voices and participation from the pulpit, musical selections, media, and maintenance of the Sanctuary as a sacred space for such purposes. 
Check The Message for the link to sign-up to be part of a Sunday service.

Contact Rev. Aaron Payson:

Music Program: The UUCW choir is a warm and welcoming group open to anyone with an interest in singing during Sunday services. No formal vocal training is required. Our Music Director also welcomes soloists and instrumental musicians to add their talents to a service.

Contact Matt Johnsen, Music Director: .


Website Team works to maintain and grow the UUCW website as the communication hub of the Congregation.

Contact Rachel Pecker:

Sunday Morning Tech Support Team oversees and facilitates our multi-platform approach to worship, including live streaming and recording of services.

Contact Aaron Payson:

Social Media Team develops content for and monitors our social media channels.
