• service info for christmas eve candlelight service - 7pm at UUCW

Sermon reflections are archived here. Video recordings are available for most Sunday services.

Give Them Hope & Courage

This Sunday we honor Universalism Day.  Now in our 183rd year as a liberal religious congregation, we pause to consider how the message of Universalism has evolved.  What new ways does the message of universal salvation need to be articulated?  How shall we inspire people to give each other “not hell. but hope and courage” to … Continue reading Give Them Hope & Courage

Dancing on the Void

In her book, “A Big-Enough God: A Feminist’s Search for a Joyful Theology,” Sara Maitland tells the story of a tight-rope walker “dancing on the void”.  This spectacular metaphor for what it means to thrive in the face of messages and personalities that predict our failure and thrive on pointing out our faults.  Especially in … Continue reading Dancing on the Void