Archives: Services

Harnessing Each Others’ Stories of Love & Justice

Addressing injustice and re-orienting our lives for freedom is an ongoing pursuit. With so much happening in our world locally, nationally, and globally, taking in the state of the world and looking for the right path can be overwhelming. Engaging in longlasting learning and action is best when done in community. Members of UUCW’s Side … Continue reading Harnessing Each Others’ Stories of Love & Justice

They Go Low, We Go Local

Mathematicians and scientists exploring weather and other chaotic phenomena acknowledge that small efforts sometimes have huge effects. Marge Piercy wrote, “Connections are made slowly, sometimes they grow underground. You cannot tell always by looking what is happening.” We will dive into some of the history of social movements, and small groups of concerned people making a difference. Where are … Continue reading They Go Low, We Go Local

Journeying Towards the 8th Principle: Building an Anti-Racist, Beloved Community

Unitarian Universalists gather around a shared set of values and beliefs. In June 2023, UUCW adopted the 8th principle as a new addition to our values, explicitly naming our commitment to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. A year and a half later, where are we? Join the 8th Principle Taskforce … Continue reading Journeying Towards the 8th Principle: Building an Anti-Racist, Beloved Community

The New Americans

Join us on January 12 to hear about the work UUCW’s Refugee Ministry Team has been doing for the past three years. Liz Davis-Edwards from WelcomeNST will be speaking on her organization ( and what can be expected in the coming years relative to resettlement and immigration. Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order … Continue reading The New Americans

Medical Stories: The Healing Ones

When we talk about our health care experiences, it a sort of story.  Have you ever come away from a health care experience feeling healed–not just from the medicines, tests, or procedures, but by a new understanding of your situation? We will discuss the clear importance of a health care professional getting to a healing … Continue reading Medical Stories: The Healing Ones

The Best Gift

Once again, we welcome Rev. Jennifer Innis back to the sanctuary of her youth to help us ring out the old year and ring in the new.   She writes of this service: “In this season, we are pulled by our love of the world and our heartbreak for it. What boundaries need to be in place … Continue reading The Best Gift

Ringing In The Spirit of Love – Annual Holiday Vespers Service & Vespers Tea

Join us for the biggest, grandest service of the year!  We’ll celebrate the season revels-style!  With a story for everyone, choirs, bells, soloists, our annual carol sing, and of course candlelight and silent night.  Then we will retire to Fellowship Hall for a grand gathering with refreshments and season’s greetings for all! Please CLICK HERE … Continue reading Ringing In The Spirit of Love – Annual Holiday Vespers Service & Vespers Tea