This Sunday, we’ll be launching our letter-writing campaign during coffee hour. Send letters with a personal message about why you vote or why you care about a particular social issue to young, infrequent, and low-propensity voters in Pennsylvania. We will have letters printed with names, addresses, and voting information specific to that state Information available at https://votefwd.org/
If you aren’t able to do letters with us on Sunday, we’ll have instructions for how you can do your own at home. Donations of letter-sized envelopes, copy paper, 1st class stamps (no dogs or flags) or financial contributions are always welcome. You can also donate money through the UUCW Social Action Giving page to support ongoing activities.
Help us reach our goal of 1000+ letters and 25 people in our congregation participating in some Good Trouble activities.
For more information contact .
Ann Hollander, Lynn Gostyla and Beth Posner-Waldron
On behalf of the Get Out the Vote Team