Religious Exploration News for October 22

Sunday October 22 at 10am, please join in our Religious Exploration Program! 

We continue to explore our theme Heritage, and this week the Explorers will talk about the LGBTQ+ roots of America and how we can be allies today. The grade 5/6 Builders will discover how to build a happy community and help set up our HAPPY UN-BIRTHDAY party which will occur in Fellowship Hall following the service.  This will be an opportunity to sit with people who share your birthday month, enjoy cake and other coffee hour goodies. There will be questions at each table, to spark conversation!  Also look for the large GIFT BOX and bring a gift of a gift card from your favorite store or establishment.  Your small gift can be a big benefit when we combine with others for our upcoming CRAFT FAIR, Auction, and Basket Raffle!   

Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration