So now is come our joyful feast,
Let every [one] be jolly;
Each room with ivy leaves is dressed,
And every post with holly.
Though some churls at our mirth repine,
Round your foreheads garlands twine,
Drown sorrow [and with us dine],
And let us all be merry.
George Wither (1588-1667), A Christmas Carol (adapted)
Here’s the Ask:
1) Join us for Holiday Vespers on Dec. 18 @ 4 pm.
2) Dress in your festive best. We’re putting on a pageant that will invite all to be involved. Renaissance and medieval dress, sparkly lights, funny holiday attire, elves, and woodland creatures, all are welcome! Or just come as you are!
3) Come play with us as we welcome the season of wonder into our hearts and home.
Wonder, as a verb, means in part, to magnify. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. What is it that I want to magnify this season? For me it is joy and a playful spirit! Robin, Matt, Deb and I have been talking about Vespers for a number of weeks now and are planning a service that will include the favorite parts that many look forward to in this service. Lighting the Yule long, reading “The Longest Night”, beautiful music from our choir and soloists, “Snowman” a raucous carol sing, and of course candlelight and Silent Night.
The pageant this year will invite all of us to participate in the story of a Winter’s Sojourn. We will be looking for Dukes and Dutchesses, servants, townspeople, grazing animals, Solstice and Yule, Diwali, Hannukah, and Christmas celebrants, snowflakes and more to bring our story alive! Like the country gatherings of old, with much singing and story-telling, we hope to make this year’s Vespers one that captures the sheer joy of a holiday that reminds us of the creative, playful, wonderful human spirit that can survive the darkness of winter and the soul.
Then. . .following the service we’ll gather for conversation and refreshments in Fellowship Hall in a spirit of hospitality and gladness. We invite everyone who is able to contribute food to this event. Please CLICK HERE for more information on the Vespers Tea, and to sign up for the Vespers Tea Team!