Holiday Vespers Tea Team Sign-up!!
Our Annual Holiday Vespers Tea will be held on Sunday, December 18th following the 4:00 PM Vespers Service. We need folks to sign up to be part of the Set Up Team, Serving Team and Clean Up Team. We welcome the assistance of all ages! Please take a moment to sign up HERE. Instructions and guidelines for these teams will be communicated prior to December 20th. Please help us make this year’s Vespers Tea the best ever!
Holiday Vespers Tea December 18 (following the service) – Plan on enjoying the annual Vespers Tea immediately after the beautiful Vespers service. We will celebrate the holiday season the way our congregation has done it for years. Come into Fellowship Hall and join us in fellowship and wonderful food, drink, and conversation.
Please bring either a sweet (if your last name starts with A – H) or savory dish (I – Z) to share. Finger food is best! Drop it off in Fellowship Hall before the service. Write a list of the ingredients on a file card and place it with your dish to provide information for people with allergies.
We are also looking for help with Vespers Tea Teams! We will be setting up 2 hours prior to the start of service. Can you come early and set up tables and/or help with plating? Are you available to help set out food after the service? Who wants to serve tea water, coffee, or festival punch? Lastly, we need all to help clean up so no one has to stay late. Thank you for your time and consideration in helping us make this “The Best Vespers Ever!” TO SIGN UP FOR VESPERS TEA TEAMS – https://signup.com/go/WayoPtR