• Photos of the Week for June 18, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    Peg Gifford selects her flower during the Flower Communion portion of the service on June 16, 2024. Maria Juncos is beside her. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    The Rev. Aaron Payson reads the storybook “Grandad’s Prayers of the Earth” to, from left, Lulu, Edythe, Josie, Luke and Sam during the service on June 16, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin

    Photo of the Week #3

    Corey Prachniak, his mother Deb, Rachel Keyo and Mara Pentlarge collected on an auction prize on June 16, 2024, spending time at David Miller’s woodlot in Princeton. Here, David is at left, with Rachel. (photo by Mara Pentlarge)

    Photo of the Week #4

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Flower Communion Sunday on May 8, 2016, when Alanna, left, and Skylar distributed flowers to the congregation. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for June 11, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Religious Exploration children do an interpretive dance to “Blue Boat Home,” the Closing Hymn on RE Sunday, June 9, 2024. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    9-year old Theo plays “Yesterday,” the Prelude during the service on Religious Exploration Sunday, June 9, 2024.

    Photo of the Week #3

    Director of Religious Exploration Robin Mitzcavitch, left, presents Gladys Maldonado, Staff Child Care Specialist, with a gift of flowers for her service this year. This took place during the service on June 9, 2024, RE Sunday. Ana Gregory and Beckley Schowalter applaud in the background.

    Photo of the Week #4

    From left, Shirley Traite, Mina White and Michele Hernandez stand near one of the money tables during the June 8, 2024 Yard Sale. Michele was one of the co-chairs.

    Photo of the Week #5

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. Tom Pierce has just read “At Home and At Sea: An American Navy Couple During World War II.” It was written by his friend and fellow military brat (who formerly attended UUCW with his wife Nancy), Royce Singleton, Jr. Royce’s father was a Navy officer who participated in most of the battles in the Pacific. The book consists of letters from Royce’s father to his mother, and vice versa.

    Photo of the Week #6

    These were the men behind the stovetop/grill at the Church Picnic on June 9, 2024. Top photo – Ken Basye; bottom photo – the Rev. Aaron Payson, keeping the flame alive.

    Photo of the Week #7

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to May 14, 2017 and the Coming of Age graduation. Here, Peg Stone is overcome with emotion because of her pride in her son, David, a graduate. Looking on, from left, are Lois, KC, Charlie, Josh and Bruce Leshay, David’s mentor.
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  • Photos of the Week for June 4, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    Sunday, June 2, 2024 was Religious Exploration Rainbow Day! From left, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay and Kate Sweetser wore THEIR rainbow colors!! At right is Marilyn Martin. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    June 2, 2024 was Annual Meeting day. The new Board of Directors are, from left, Cathy McDonagh, Ana Gregory, Kim Napoleone, Michele Hernandez, Maria Juncos, Vickie Cox-Lanyon, Evan Wilson and Melissa McKeon. At pulpit is outgoing President Sherri Linn. New President is Melissa McKeon. Not present for photo was Mikalia Turner-Clarke. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    Sue Neaz, Clerk, left, helps people check in for the Annual Meeting on June 2, 2024. Sitting beside Sue is Evan Wilson. Signing in is Sean Divoll. To his right are Dianne Mann, Emily Konstan and Mike Peckar. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Outgoing President Sherri Linn, at pulpit, leads the Annual Meeting on June 2, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to March 8, 2020 and the ordination of the Rev. Beau Rivers at the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church of Portland, ME. Rev. Rivers was a ministerial intern at UUCW from 2014-2016. She has served as part-time contract minister at All Souls Church of Braintree since August 1, 2021. Rev. Rivers will begin her first full-time ministry August 1, 2024 at First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleborough, MA. When contacted recently, she said “I have such fond memories of my formation and ministry at UUCW! Please give everyone my love.”
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  • Photos of the Week for May 28, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The lesson on May 26, 2024 in Religious Exploration class was about Memorial Day. At top, Director of Religious Exploration Robin Mitzcavitch holds a poppy as she tells the story of the flower’s association with Memorial Day. Garden-On team member Carole Howe explains to the children that a Memorial Garden will be created on UUCW grounds. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    History was made today, May 26, 2024, at UUCW as our brand new organ was played for the first time during a service. Here, Music Director Matt Johnsen strikes the first note of the first song, “Prelude in C Major,” by J. S. Bach. Fun fact: Matt plays the organ in his stocking feet; others wear special organ shoes. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    4-year old Elijah and his grandmother Mara Pentlarge, right, participate in the May 21, 2024 Climate Justice Action behind Worcester City Hall.

    Photo of the Week #4

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. Author Loree Griffin Burns paid a visit to TidePool Bookshop in Worcester on May 19, 2024, for an author talk and book signing for her latest book, “One Long Line – Marching Caterpillars and the Scientists Who Followed Them.” Here, Loree talks about pine processionary caterpillars, the subject of her book. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    Did you know that we have Lady’s Slippers starting to grow in our UUCW gardens? The backstory is cool. Last year Leo DaSilva planted 15 bare roots that we purchased from a nursery. To give the roots the correct growing environment (mycorrhiza), with permission from the property owner he brought in some forest soil and set it in the bed. Two are now blooming ❤️ and others will bloom in the future. ❤️❤️❤️ (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    This photo from our UUCW archives takes us back to May 27, 2021 when the Women’s Social Circle attended a wine tasting at Higgins Armory. Clockwise, from lower left, are Maya Desai, Dianne Mann, Michele Hernandez, Rachel Keyo, Linda Rich, Claire Breyton, Sherri Linn, Vickie Cox-Lanyon, Debbie Merrill, Peg Daly, Susan Crossley, Cristina Heffernan, Moira Rouse and Alison Lanyon. (photo by the Sommelier)
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  • Photos of the Week for May 21, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Rev. Cheryl Leshay, UUCW Affiliated Community Minister, delivers the Reflection “Where Do We Fit?” during the service on May 19, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Karen Stephenson talks about an 8th Principle Moment during the service on May 19, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    UUCW has a brand new organ! Here, Music Director Matt Johnsen, right, shows it to some members of the choir before service on May 19, 2024. From left are Mark Schlesinger, Joe Ruivo, Fran Schlesinger, Cathy McDonagh and Kim McCoy. The instrument is a Hammond CS-285, a 3 manual church organ. It will be played for the first time during service next Sunday, May 26th. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    Neither snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor rain…….. Many of our Food Pantry volunteers worked in the drenching rain on the morning of May 18, 2024, serving over 65 clients! At left, Pete Lanyon, soaked to the bone, holds up one of the (thankfully) laminated car numbers. (photo by Vickie Cox-Lanyon, who also got drenched 😉) At right, Melissa McKeon, draped in a rain poncho, holds up the saturated preference forms at the end of the morning. It was nearly impossible to keep these forms dry today! (photo by Marilyn Martin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. Author Loree Griffin Burns paid a visit to TidePool Bookshop in Worcester on May 19, 2024, for an author talk and book signing for her latest book, “One Long Line – Marching Caterpillars and the Scientists Who Followed Them.” In the photo at left, Loree talks about pine processionary caterpillars, the subject of her book. Her talk was educational and entertaining. In the photo at right, TidePool co-owner Jo Truesdell stands with Loree. Fun UU fact: Jo and her husband/TidePool co-owner Huck are members of First Unitarian. 😁 (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #6

    Ever wonder what the view from the pulpit is? This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to April 15, 2018 and a “minister’s eye” view of the service. Here, the Rev. Aaron Payson leads the congregation in singing the Closing Hymn, “Daoona Nayeesh.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for May 14, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration, speaks during the beginning of the Candle Lighting Ceremony during the Coming Of Age service on May 12, 2024. The COA grads, are, from left, Naziah, Reid, Haley, Neway, Marina, Evelyn, Ginger and AJ. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    From left, Neway gets a hug from his mentor, Sean Divoll during the Candle Lighting Ceremony portion of the COA service on May 12, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    At left, Robin Mitzcavitch hangs a UU chalice around the neck of AJ during the Candle Lighting Ceremony portion of the COA service on May 12, 2024. AJ’s mentor, Maya Desai, stands in the background. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    The Rev. Aaron Payson sings “For Good,” a solo, during the service on May 12, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #5

    These are the wonderful women who participated in the Women’s Runaway Weekend in North Adams from May 3-5, 2024. (photos by Kim Pierce Napoleone)

    Photo of the Week #6

    Did you know that we have carnivorous plants in our UUCW gardens? Did you know we have a bog on our property ? Both true! In our very own homemade little 2′ x 3′ bog garden (in front of the classrooms) there are purple pitcher plants (Sarracenia purpurea). (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #7

    This photo from our UUCW archives takes us back to November 13, 2005 and the 50th anniversary celebration of our church at (then) 90 Holden Street in Worcester. From left are Susan Crossley, Ilana Bartok (Leshay), Andrea Cruz, Maia Selkow, the Rev. Cheryl Leshay. They are re-enacting a skit initially written by Virginia Rassmusen and edited/redone by Linda Holbrook. The name of the skit was “We Have Met The Enemy And She Is Us.” (photo by Judy Savage)
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  • Photos of the Week for May 7, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    May 5, 2024 was New Member Sunday. Participating in the New Member Ceremony were, from left, the Rev. Aaron Payson, Maria Juncos, James Egaña, Chloe Egaña, Cheyanne Martin, Katherine Powers and Willson Selzer. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    What a precious find today! A robin’s nest with three eggs is nestled in a juniper shrub in the Bird Sanctuary portion of the church gardens on May 5, 2024.

    Photo of the Week #3

    Cora plays the Prelude, “Sonata in C Major” by Bréval during the service on May 5, 2024.

    Photo of the Week #4

    May 5, 2024 was Potpourri Sunday. Here, Leo DaSilva leads a tour of the UUCW gardens. It was one of several sessions offered.

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to December 4, 2016, when Nancy Hancock held up an oversized coffee cup on which was written information from the Hospitality Team about hosting Coffee Hour. The 50/50 collection was split that day to help cover Coffee Hour expenses.
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  • Photos of the Week for April 30, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The choir and musicians perform “Comfort Me” during the service on Music Sunday, April 28, 2024. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    Music Director Matt Johnsen delivers the Reflection “Music is Life” on April 18, 2024, Music Sunday.

    Photo of the Week #3

    Dianne Mann, left, acknowledges Sue Neaz during the Joys and Concerns portion of the service on April 28, 2024. Sue and her husband are relocating to Western Mass.

    Photo of the Week #4

    Members of the Youth Group, youngsters and parents worked on the Playground Rejuvenation Project on the evening of April 28, 2024. Spearheaded by Jessie Trowbridge, and with assistance from the Religious Exploration families, the project has four phases. Here, Eisley, left, and Flora shovel sand under the swings in the “fall zone.”

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to the annual Youth Group Service in 2018. Clockwise, from upper left, are Nathan, Anamika, Carrick and Maggie. They are delivering their individual Reflections.
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  • Photos of the Week for April 23, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The Rev. Aaron Payson shows his Earth Day appropriate tie before the service on April 21, 2024. The tie shows marine life and environment. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    John Odell stands at the top of the highest ladder the church owns to remove the former pledge total before replacing it with the current total on April 21, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    The Rev. Aaron Payson listens as Rachel Keyo delivers an 8th Principle Moment during the service on April 21, 2024. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #4

    #uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. Author Loree Griffin Burns’ latest book, “One Long Line – Marching Caterpillars and the Scientists Who Follow Them” will be released on May 14, 2024. This is the first title in a brand-new early chapter book series spotlighting remarkable creatures, inquisitive people and fascinating conversations. https://loreeburns.com Fun fact: Loree now lives in the Adirondacks, though she will be in Massachusetts the week of the book’s launch, May 14th. She’ll be visiting schools, libraries and bookstores. Check out the ‘Events’ page of her website to find out where she’ll be!

    Photo of the Week #5

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to September 23, 2012 and the first Soulful Sundown Vespers Service. Russ Kay, center, lights a votive candle during Joys and Sorrows. At left is the Rev. Aaron Payson; at right is Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration. Fun fact: Russ contributed his graphic design talents to the church, donated technology equipment and shared his appreciation of recorded music in a variety of contexts. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
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  • Photos of the Week for April 16, 2024

    Photo of the Week #1

    The graduating group from this year’s Adult Coming of Age Program shared their thoughts and insights during the service on April 14, 2024.Clockwise, from upper left, are Barry Brigham, Annie Armstrong, Carole Howe, Jenny DelGizzi, Down Doud and Andrea Cruz. (photo montage by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #2

    The Adult Coming of Age graduates surprised their Facilitator, Robin Mitzcavitch, with a bouquet of flowers at the end of the service on April 14, 2024. From left are Andrea Cruz, Jenny DelGizzi, Barry Brigham, Carole Howe, Annie Armstrong, Robin Mitzcavitch, and Dawn Doud. (photos by Betty Jenewin)

    Photo of the Week #3

    From left, Matt Johnsen (piano), JaganNath Khalsa (violin) and Mara Pentlarge (flute) play the Offertory music “Trio Sonata in C Major” by J.S. Bach on April 14, 2024.

    Photo of the Week #4

    This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to the Religious Exploration Service in 2017. From left, Claire Breyton, Kim Pierce Napoleone, Lee Hill, Ana Gregory and Vickie Cox-Lanyon team up to deliver the Intergenerational Invocation.
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