Category: RE News

Religious Exploration News for Summer 2024

Do you want to plan a gathering for the summer?  Robin can help you coordinate it- let Robin know at  Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration Volunteers Needed!

Our RE Program Runs With YOUR Help: Please let us know how you can help by filling out this form. Many hands make light work and meaningful programs for our children and youth.  Thank You! Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration

What Happens in the Summer?

by Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration It feels strange to me, after the final Religious Exploration Sunday Service, that we have to go our separate ways. Children and families have made connections, and to imagine those Sunday connections being put on pause, seems unnecessary. But, the fact is, we New Englanders travel over the … Continue reading What Happens in the Summer?

Religious Exploration News for June 9, 2024

Please Join us for our annual Religious Exploration Sunday Service on Sunday June 9th at 10am. Help our children honor all of those teachers and leaders who helped make our year so special! The RE Picnic will follow the service! Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration News for May 26, 2024

Please join our Religious Exploration One Room Class this Sunday, May 26th.  There will be conversation and activities connected to the Memorial Day Holiday and what it means to different people. Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration News for May 19, 2024

Please join us on Sunday May 19th for Religious Exploration. We are each unique and very different in many ways including what we love to do creatively. Let’s celebrate our differences and lift them up for all to see. Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration

Young Families Meet and Greet – Saturday, May 4, 10 – 11 am

This Saturday, May 4th! You’re invited to a gathering of  the families of our youngest ones for a short Saturday morning meet-up from 10-11am. We are happy that many of our young families are joining in this Saturday! Please join and bring friends! This will be a meet and greet with parents, a playdate for children, and … Continue reading Young Families Meet and Greet – Saturday, May 4, 10 – 11 am