Category: Aaron’s Blog

Reflecting on the 8th Principle and Opportunities for Growth

Evan Wilson, 8th Principle Task Force At the end of January, Paula Cole Jones joined us over zoom to lead a workshop. She offered insights and led reflection on the 8th principle, which is shared below: We covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community … Continue reading Reflecting on the 8th Principle and Opportunities for Growth

What Is Necessary for Love?

Rev. Aaron Payson We continue our exploration of love which is the Soul Matters theme for this month.  To be honest, this meditation begins with thoughts of another tragedy and the heartache that it continues to foster in so many at Michigan State University, violence that comes on the heel of the devastation witnessed following earthquakes … Continue reading What Is Necessary for Love?

Finding Our Center

Rev. Aaron Payson This month’s Soul Matters Theme is “Finding Our Center”.  As the new year dawns and many begin to take up resolutions for better and more meaningful living, I am considering the importance of one change – pausing.  In the midst of all that life throws at me, my resolution this year is … Continue reading Finding Our Center

Trying Something New This Year – Soul Matters

by Rev. Aaron Payson & Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration For several years now we have delighted in and benefitted greatly from the Themed Ministry Program – Touchstones. Monthly Themes, worship, religious education, small group, and social media sources have helped us plan and guide our programming throughout the year.  A wealth of wisdom … Continue reading Trying Something New This Year – Soul Matters

SOLD! Online Auction Seeking Help! We Could More Than Double Our Goal This Year!

by Rev. Aaron Payson & Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration For those who attended the Annual Meeting last Sunday, the budget outlined included money to be raised by fundraising as well as a significant amount from investments.  In order to reduced our dependency on invested funds for operating expenses we are looking for ways … Continue reading SOLD! Online Auction Seeking Help! We Could More Than Double Our Goal This Year!

We Are a Prophetic Imperative

by Rev. Aaron Payson Starhawk writes: We are all longing to go home to some placewe have never been—a place half-remembered and half-envisionedwe can only catch glimpses of from time to time.Community.Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passionwithout having the words catch in our throats.Somewhere a circle of handswill open to … Continue reading We Are a Prophetic Imperative

When Violence Happens

Like many of you, I too have been horrified to learn of the shooting deaths of children and teachers yesterday at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.  It is another in a growing line of such tragedies that have plagued this country, bringing to mind the tragic incidents in Parkland, Newtown, and Columbine among many … Continue reading When Violence Happens

The Origin of Non-Violence

by Rev. Aaron Payson I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our children.  Of late our news outlets and community conversations have in so many ways turned to the welfare of our children whether it be by opening up vaccinations to a wider array of our young, ongoing conversation about comprehensive sex education in our … Continue reading The Origin of Non-Violence