“Love” – A Few Love Letters to Strangers

Rev. Aaron Payson

Is it surprising to anyone that the Soul Matters theme for the month of February is. . .love?  February with the prospect of Valentine’s Day brings a creative moment to the depth of winter which unfortunately has been co-opted by an industry of card makers and chocolatiers, not that I’m opposed to either, both also bring a bit of brightness to winter.  But what if we took the opportunity this year to do something different?  Hear me out. . .see below.  Blessings, Aaron

A Few Love Letters… to Strangers

It was an effort born from empathy and loneliness. Hannah Brencher, new to New York City, found herself led to writing letters to strangers. At first, she secretly wrote them to people in her mind and left them tucked away for strangers to find. Then, using the internet, she invited anyone to ask her for a love letter. Requests flooded in. It’s now an organization called More Love Letters.

With this story as our inspiration, you’re invited this month to write at least 5 letters to a person you’ve never met. You will have to imagine them, their story and what they need to hear. Then place those letters in some place where eventually a stranger will find them. We encourage you to write this on the front of the envelope; “A love letter for a stranger, maybe even you. If you discover it’s not actually for you, pass it on to someone who needs it.”

It’s as simple – and challenging – as that!

Here’s the background:

●        The Origin Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VopcuymgUCA

●        TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/hannah_brencher_love_letters_to_strangers?language=en

●        The Website: https://www.moreloveletters.com/get-involved-1