Tag: Garden On Team

Garden On Team News – Green Space Award – June 21, 2022

First, we won First Place for the Best Sustainable Public Green Space from the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill’s 2022 Community Greening Awards. The awards letter notes “…for the beautiful and ambitious rain garden the congregants installed and planted. We believe beautification efforts like this make the city a more welcoming, healthier place … Continue reading Garden On Team News – Green Space Award – June 21, 2022

Garden On Team News

Greetings from Garden On, Here’s a video of our beautiful garden and the pollinators it’s attracting, taken by Leo DaSilva https://photos.app.goo.gl/BnKhMLTMJqRHo6Pe6. A female Monarch drinking nectar from the Showy Goldenrod before her long fly to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. There, a whole generation of these amazing butterflies will winter. Support their migration by planting … Continue reading Garden On Team News