Speaker: Rev. Aaron Payson

The Pull Together Morning

We honor Winter Solstice with our Annual worship play, this year based on an African tale.  Join us for this worship for all ages. Please CLICK HERE to view this service’s Order of Service (CLICK HERE to view information about the 4 pm Annual Vespers Service).

How Will We Kindle Our Lights?

Our Annual celebration of Hannukah marks an important time in the year as we consider the mystical significance of light and our role as bearers of light in a world that often seems dark and dangerous.  Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Peace, Patience, and Mystery

The Christian Mystic, Meister Eckhart writes, “What does it avail me if this birth takes place unceasingly and yet does not take place within myself?  It is quite fitting, however, that it should take place within me.” During this time of sacred anticipation when religions turn to the power of light, warmth, and company to … Continue reading Peace, Patience, and Mystery

For This Precious Day

“We give thanks for this precious day, all gathered here, and those far away.  For the time we share, will love and care, we give thanks for this precious day.” Words we sing at this time of year bring us again to this moment of thanksgiving.  It is important, especially in moments when the world … Continue reading For This Precious Day

Lighting the Path of Return!

This Sunday we honor the confluence of two holidays, the civil celebration of Veteran’s Day and the start of the Hindu festival of Diwali.  At the nexus of these two celebrations is the experience of the warrior returning home and the communities which await their return lighting a path through the darkness to welcome them in.  … Continue reading Lighting the Path of Return!

Generously Alive!

We begin the month of November remembering the power and possibility of generosity.  What does it really mean to be generous?  How does generosity meet the challenges of this era and time?  How shall we be in response to a world in crisis?  What does it mean to be generous with one’s self?  Come explore … Continue reading Generously Alive!

Unceasing Prayer

197 years ago, Unitarian Minister and Transcendentalist Lecturer, Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered his first sermon on October 15.  The title of his foray into preaching was “Pray Without Ceasing”.  We revisit Emerson’s words this Sunday and ask what forms prayer takes for us today.   Our 50/50 collection this month is in service to the YWCA … Continue reading Unceasing Prayer

What the Water Carrier Knows

We pause this Sunday to honor Indigenous People’s Day and ponder the significance of the history of colonialism on our world and its peoples, asking what lessons we might learn from this history and how we move forward in freedom and peace.  Please CLICK HERE to view this week’s Order of Service.

Potpourri Sunday!

Join us for our first “Potpourri Sunday” this Sunday.  We’ll begin the service together at 10 am and then those gathered will be invited to join small group discussions featuring some of the most popular groups in our congregation.  Matt Johnson will provide a musical experience in the Sanctuary, and Rev. Aaron Payson will explore UU … Continue reading Potpourri Sunday!