Good Trouble Sunday is Back February 18

Good Trouble Sundays are Back!

We are taking on the UUA’s UUtheVote challenge to meet their goals to once again be named a Good Trouble Congregation and we need lots of help from the congregation.  More importantly, we are taking on the enormous task of getting people to the polls so their voices can be heard, so that democracy can be protected, so that everyone who is eligible to vote has the tools they need to cast their vote.

This Sunday is an opportunity for the congregation to help the Get Out the Vote Team take action with VoteRiders, an organization that educates people about the voter ID laws in their particular state and help get IDs that they need for free.  We will be sending letters to voters in Ohio who either had their ballot rejected or cast a provisional ballot last year.  Ohio is one of 17 states that has passed more restrictive voter ID laws since the 2020 election.  

Please join us during coffee hour this Sunday, February 18, to help write letters to Ohio.  If you can’t join us and want to help on your own, you can email

You can also help by donating postage for letters and postcards, letter-sized envelopes, copy paper and money to fund supplies for the 2024 election season.  A box for stamps and financial donations will be in the foyer on most Sundays.

Stay tuned for future activities coming up.  Let’s get into some Good Trouble together!

Beth Posner-Waldron, Coordinator, UUCW Get Out the Vote Team