Category: Garden-on Team

Garden-On Team News – Join Us As We Prepare Our Gardens for the Fall!

Do you have a half hour or an afternoon? And if you have them, gardening gloves and tools?  Come and join us any time as we begin our fall planting. Thursday, 9/28/23, 3-​6:30 pm. Rain Garden Rehab at Shore Park. Plants are being donated by Garden On. Sunday, 10/01/23 at UUCW 12- 4pm. Planting, weeding, … Continue reading Garden-On Team News – Join Us As We Prepare Our Gardens for the Fall!

Garden-On Team News – Help Us with the Church Gardens after the Church Picnic! Sunday, June 11

You are invited to join us Sunday, June 11th, right after the church picnic from 1-6. We recently were awarded a grant allowing us to purchase hundreds of plants from Garden in the Woods in Framingham. Yay!  Now we need help planting them!  To prepare the area for planting, first we need to remove some … Continue reading Garden-On Team News – Help Us with the Church Gardens after the Church Picnic! Sunday, June 11

Garden-On Team News – Looking for Cardboard Donations

 We Need Cardboard for our Gardens! Would you like to find a worthy home for all your empty cardboard boxes? If so, please flatten them and remove all sealing tape and/or staples. There will be a green barrel by the Sanctuary door to place them in. Many thanks!

Garden-On Team Looking for Planting Help – Oct 8, 8 am-Noon

Wanna be a worker bee? Gardeners or wanna-bee’s wanted this Saturday, October 8, anytime between 8 and noon to help Garden-On plant the last of our fall plants, transplant, or just come see how it’s going as we make our UUCW  property a native plant showplace. See you there!! For more information email .

Garden On Team News – Green Space Award – June 21, 2022

First, we won First Place for the Best Sustainable Public Green Space from the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill’s 2022 Community Greening Awards. The awards letter notes “…for the beautiful and ambitious rain garden the congregants installed and planted. We believe beautification efforts like this make the city a more welcoming, healthier place … Continue reading Garden On Team News – Green Space Award – June 21, 2022