Afghan Immigrants are beginning to arrive in our area. Over 500 people are expected to arrive within the next six months. Two agencies, Ascentria and RIAC are working to resettle these folks and we are beginning to explore how we might help in those efforts.
Without committing to anything, Marilyn Martin and Dianne Mann have had initial conversations with each of these Agencies. It is possible, but not yet entirely sure, that we will help sponsor an individual or family by ourselves or in conjunction with another church.
At this time, we are trying to assess who in our Congregation is interested in helping with this effort. Helping may mean: housing support, transportation, computer or ESL training, shopping, donations like diapers, clothing, etc., and monetary donations. The list is long but we don’t expect you to do it all!
Please take the time to respond to this email using: and tell us what you think you’d be able to do to help these immigrants. Thanks!