Tag: 8th Principle Task Force

8th Principle Task Force News Update – 8th Principle Workshop – January 22, 3:30 PM

Building a Culture of Inclusion Workshop – Sunday, 1/22/23 @ 12-3:30pm Sign up now for the workshop led by Paula Cole Jones, founder of the grassroots 8th principle movement. Pizza will be provided! Visit bit.ly/uucw8thprinciple for more information and to sign up or scan the QR code above.  ~The UUCW 8th Principle Taskforce – Rachel Keyo, Mara Pentlarge, … Continue reading 8th Principle Task Force News Update – 8th Principle Workshop – January 22, 3:30 PM

8th Principle Task Force News – 8th Principle Service Watch Party and Discussion – November 29, 6:30 PM on Zoom

8th Principle Service Watch Party Side With Love is hosting an online “watch party” of Paula Cole Jones’ address to UUCW at the 8th Principle service held in October. Join us to re-watch her talk and join in reflection and discussion about how we can advance a racial equity commitment.  Tuesday, 11/29 ast 6:30pm via … Continue reading 8th Principle Task Force News – 8th Principle Service Watch Party and Discussion – November 29, 6:30 PM on Zoom

8th Principle Task Force News – 8th Principle Sunday, October 30, 2022

Please join us on Sunday, 10/30 for the 8th Principle Service. The 8th Principle Taskforce has invited Paula Cole Jones, co-founder of the 8th Principle Movement, to offer the reflection for Sunday’s service. We will also discuss opportunities for individuals and groups within UUCW to make ongoing commitments to the work of dismantling racism and other … Continue reading 8th Principle Task Force News – 8th Principle Sunday, October 30, 2022

8th Principle Task Force News

UUCW’s 8th Principle Taskforce invites you to two upcoming events this fall.  Thu Sep 22nd 6:00pm – 9:00pm Jennifer Gaskin and Giselle Rivera Flores, hosts of “Don’t Touch My Podcast” about the Black and brown, Hispanic, experience will present Bridging the Gap: Creating a Culture of Belonging.  Each week, Jennifer Gaskin and Giselle Rivera-Flores (community … Continue reading 8th Principle Task Force News

8th Principle Moment Stories

Have you had an experience of racism or unconscious bias, from the giving or receiving perspective?  The 8th Principle Team wants you to share your story (approximately 5 minutes) with the intention to raise awareness about systemic racism in our society.  These stories will be shared during services, which are now recorded, so your narrative … Continue reading 8th Principle Moment Stories