RE Weekly Update – 10/4/20

Weekly Update for UUCW RE

October 4th – RE, Clay, Middle School! YGLockOut

Click Here for Zoom Link
Click HERE for Family of the Week Sign-Up

Dear Families!

I’d love to thank Jessie, Alma and Flora for the fabulous tour of their Mudpie Kitchen Pottery Studio and the helpful hints and stories about clay.  What a beautiful thing to share with all of us!  Now- make sure you form your chalice and let it air dry and drop it off to the church on Sat 12-6pm or Sunday 12-4pm.  Be careful as they will be delicate.  Make sure your name is on it on the bottom (or somewhere!!)   * Note- you may have to park in the Bancroft Lot.


This Sunday on 10/4 we begin our RE Curriculum! Visit Zoom at 9:00 am!  I am looking for all families to sign up 3x to read our opening chalice words as Family of The WEEK!  Sign Up Here !!-   You can pick a reading from the ones in your RE At Home Kit, I can send you a reading, or you can pick your own!

 Elementary:   Come to the 9:00 am ZOOM  “Shades of People”

Middle School Grades 6 and 7-       

~~Come to the 9:00 am ZOOM  “Shades of People”

  ~~Meet Robin out behind the church from 12:30-1:30 for our first MIddle School Group Planning Meeting.   Bring a chair, mask, and dress for the weather!   Parents, please congregate out front!  * Note- you may have to park in the Bancroft Lot.


PLease Support the Youth Group as they LOCK OUT on Saturday overnight for Homelessness Awareness !    You can give HERE

Youth Group: Saturday 10/4 5pm – LOCK-OUT

                        Sunday time TBA