Replacement of the furnace units that heat the sanctuary, lounge, and Middle School Group Room (MSG Room) behind the sanctuary, is in the process of being replaced. The new furnace unit has been installed and will be connected to electrical resources next week. Barring any unforeseen complications, all signs point to the ability to return to in-person and online worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, March 6.
The Health & Safety Team met this week and is recommending that for the month of March we maintain the mask mandate in place for worship, with the exception of the choir (while singing) and other worship participants speaking from the pulpit. The H&S Team has also recommended that we begin offering Fellowship Hour beginning on April 3, which is Wolfson Lecture Sunday, and a grand reception is planned for that day following the morning service.
The rationale for maintaining the mask mandate for the month of March is largely supported by the fact that until warmer weather begins we can not adequately provide cross ventilation in the sanctuary and therefore it is prudent for us to continue protective measures for the majority of those attending to protect against the possible spread of COVID-19 in such spaces. In addition, because many of our youngest have not yet had access to vaccines, we maintain mask-wearing as an act of solidarity until we are certain that community spread is negligible. Local health and municipal authorities project that this will be the case in the coming weeks.