The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was first brought to Congress 101 years ago on December 10, 1923 but it’s still not officially part of the constitution. If you haven’t already, send a letter to President Biden asking him to instruct the archivist to publish the 28th amendment securing equal rights for all genders into the U. S. Constitution once and for all. Per Kati Hornung of Vote Equality, the American Bar Association considers that all requirements have been met for the 28th Amendment to be enshrined in the Constitution.
Here’s a draft of a letter you can send OR you can click this link for the League of Women Voters email template and add a few lines of personal remarks OR You can write a postcard with a simple request.
You can also help by spreading the word to your friends and associates and ask them to write to Biden as well. Many people assume that the Equal Rights Amendment is already in our Constitution.
There’s a film called “Ratified” being shown by Vote Equality that you can watch in person or remotely and the schedule is on this page: https://voteequality.us/do/
Civic engagement is what we do in between elections. There is still work to be done to protect our democracy and stand up for our rights.
If you want to talk about next steps for the Get Out the Vote Team, come to our zoom meeting this coming Thursday evening, 12/12, 6:15 to 7:15. Contact Beth Posner-Waldron directly or at for the zoom link and/or to be added to our email distribution list.