Could this election season get any more interesting/disturbing/challenging/discouraging/motivating?
Feeling like you’re on a rollercoaster of emotions? Taking action to mobilize voters can be transformative.
Bombarded with requests for money? Looking for an alternative? Give some of your time with non-partisan activities vetted by the Get Out the Vote Team
Even 10-15 minutes to write a letter can make this world a better place one voter at a time!
- Click here to put your values to work in a positive way.
- Making phone calls or writing letters can be an antidote to the angst you may be feeling.
To quote Winston Churchill, “It’s better to do something than to do nothing while you’re waiting to do everything.”
These are some of the thoughts shared previously that may help put things in perspective and keep your head up:
- Remember that when we vote in November, we’re not just electing a President, we’re electing an administration that will also have an impact on what happens at the White House.
- Don’t just focus on the top of the ballot (which is yet to be finalized)! The candidates we elect for the statehouse and Federal seats can have a big impact on our day-to-day lives as well as the state of our Democracy. Local and state elections are often won by a small number of votes, so every vote can make a difference.
- Remember that we’re in this for the long haul, including when we’re motivating and empowering Black voters to go to the polls.
- Regardless of the outcome of the election, helping people navigate through voter suppression builds resilience and helps make more voices heard by the candidates. That helps build power!
- Here again is a link to the Get Out the Vote Team’s Mid-Summer’s activities
- Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re at the hard work of fighting for democracy. Sorry, I may not always be a good role model.
- Take your mind off the election and whatever else is causing you stress. Do something fun, energizing and/or relaxing that nourishes you. Get rest and eat well.
- Be prepared to vote in 2024 elections
- Did you run into any difficulties voting in the March Primary? Make sure your registration is up to date for upcoming elections.
- www.voteinma.com is the link to the Elections and Voting website for Massachusetts—this has lots of resources, including for updating registrations.
Remember, you are not alone. The stakes keep getting higher during these days that are challenging us in ways never expected or experienced before and we can support each other.
In faith and solidarity, Beth Posner-Waldron, Coordinator of UUCW’s Get Out the Vote Team