Lock in the forever price of stamps before the cost goes up!
On January 21st, the price of USPS of postage for first class letters and postcards will go up 2 cents. For the Get Out the Vote Team and our estimated Good Trouble Congregation goals, that could be an extra cost of $40 for sending 2,000 letters and postcards.
The cost of stamps for first class letters will go from $.66 to $.68 and for postcards from $.51 to $.53. You can buy a set of 20 stamps now and lock in the price of $13.20 for letters and $10.20 for postcards.
Please consider buying stamps now and donating them to the Get Out the Vote Team. Avoid flags or stamps with dogs. Sadly, these images are associated with voter suppression and racism.
Buy them for your personal use, too. You can buy them at your local post office and online at https://store.usps.com/store/results/stamps/_/N-9y93lv.
We’ll be announcing how you can help GET OUT THE VOTE with letter writing and postcard writing and other efforts in the near future. In the meantime, if you would like to keep up on our plans, contact to be added to our email distribution list.
Beth Posner-Waldron
UUCW Get Out The Vote Team