Director of Religious Exploration Robin Mitzcavitch shares candlelight during the Candlelighting Ceremony portion of Vespers on December 18, 2022. (photos by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
The Rev. Cheryl Leshay Calls in the Directions during the Solstice service on December 18, 2022. She is calling in the East.
Photo of the Week #3
Some of the participants in the radio play during the Solstice service on December 18, 2022 were, from left, Rachel Wagner (Owl), Kai (Child), Reina Quidon (Narrator 5) and the Rev. Aaron Payson (the maestro who pulled it all together). The play was “Who Loves the Dark?”
Photo of the Week #4
Pauline Courchesne, left, “The Shoebox Lady,” and J.P. Perkins, Program Director at African Community Education, pose with the shoeboxes of gifts donated for 70 children and youth in the ACE program. J.P.’s car was just loaded up to bring the shoeboxes down to ACE on December 18, 2022.
Photo of the Week #5
#uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ and staff’s lives. Sue Hegedus has been a member of her book club for 44 years. It was founded in 1978 by Ansley Siter, Elizabeth Johnson, Linda Holbrook, Donna Mayberry, Canan Avunduk and Sue. Initially the group read only books by women, but over the years became more inclusive. It started at the church but now meets in members’ homes. Next book up for the group is Maggie O’Farrell’s “The Marriage Portrait.”
Photo of the Week #6
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to May 14, 2017 when mentors and mentees walked in together at the beginning of the Coming of Age service.
Photo of the Week #7
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to October 15, 2017 when the choir sang Nick Page’s “We Pray,” the Choral Introit. They are, back from left, Paul Marr, Joe Ruivo, and Kim McCoy. Middle row, from left, Dianne Mann, Linda Orcutt and Susan Castañeda. Front row, from left, Shah Salmi and Donna LaMura.