Today is known across our country as “Giving Tuesday”. A day when we are encouraged to “reimagine a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.” We are so very grateful for our many members and friends who contribute regularly financially and with their gifts of time and talent in order that we thrive in our ongoing mission and ministries to “inspire people to take on the challenges of a changing world.”
On this special day we encourage all of our friends to consider supporting our efforts to serve our community and bring about a world with more love, hope, and justice. Your financial contribution will help us continue to address hunger insecurity for our neighbors and friends through support for the Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry. Donated dollars also support our efforts to companion refugee families as they are introduced to our country and community. Money given also continues our homelessness ministries to continue to provide shelter resources through our partnerships with local family and emergency shelters. Resources also assist in our ongoing ministry to promote native-plant gardening and inspire a renewed effort to inspire our community to participate in renewing its relationship with the environment. And, as a justice-making people, your contributions continue to support our efforts to promote anti-oppression, democratic rights and human welfare in so many other ways.
Please help us continue to serve the community we all love and donate today.