In this photo from our UUCW archives, Sharon Templeman, left, now of blessed memory, describes her artwork as her daughter Kim Napoleone displays it for those in attendance. This was August 24, 2014, “A Summer Art Service.” (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
From left are Kate Bejune, Matt Bejune (with Mabel), Mara Pentlarge, Karen Stephenson holding Cieanna, Bryan Sweeney (with Echo), Theodore Bejune (holding the great sign), George Bejune, Kim McCoy (with Coco), David Barry, Marieça Davieau (with Lola), Ajayi Harris (with Ozzy) and Brian Keyo (with Auggie). This Doggie Play Date was the Summer Service on July 31, 2022, at Beaver Brook Dog Park. (photo by Rachel Keyo)
Photo of the Week #3
Eight-year old Flora makes a chalice during the July 17, 2022 Summer Service titled “The Creative Process.” The service was led by her mother, Jessie Trowbridge. Flora has been working with clay since she was 3 years old. (photo by Jessie Trowbridge)
Photo of the Week #4
From left, Vickie Cox-Lanyon and Sean Reynolds make chalices during the July 17, 2022 Summer Service, “The Creative Process.”
(photos by Jessie Trowbridge and Vickie Cox-Lanyon)
Photo of the Week #5
The Four Suzannes pose together at the Mobile Farmer’s Market at UUCW on June 30, 2022. From left they are Linda Morse (who was designated an Honorary Suzanne for purposes of this photo 😉), Susanne Graves, Suzanne Moody and Suzzanne Gorman. The Suzannes are regular weekly customers; Linda is the Market Facilitator. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #6
From left, David Fields, Sheri Linn, Mara Pentlarge and Service Leader Dianne Mann sing “We Shall Overcome” during the first Summer Service on July 10, 2022. The service was a Hymn Sing. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #7
Several UUCWers attended the July 11, 2022 Central Mass Eleventh Hour Vigil in front of Worcester City Hall to rally the state legislature to pass several carbon and climate justice bills before the end of July. The rally was coordinated by Worcester Interfaith. (photo by Tali Smookler)
Photo of the Week #8
This male House Finch was actually perching in the trees that overhang our Bird Sanctuary garden at the side of the parking lot on July 11, 2022. Smart bird! (photo by Betty Jenewin)