Rachel Keyo delivers an 8th Principle Moment during the service on March 13, 2022. These are congregants’ experiences of racism or unconscious bias from the receiving or giving perspective, with the intention of raising awareness of systemic racism. Rachel read Tom Pierce’s story. (all photos by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
The Rev. Aaron Payson explains the “The Wall of Memory and Hope” he put up in the sanctuary on March 13, 2022. Anyone who comes into the church is invited to post something about their experiences during the pandemic.
Photo of the Week #3
Nicole M. Bell, founder and CEO of Living in Freedom Together (LIFT), spoke on behalf of her organization for the 50/50 collection during the service on March 13, 2022. LIFT is a nonprofit organization in Worcester committed to ending the sex trade.
Photo of the Week #4
Choir members, from left, Kim McCoy, Dave Bonneau, Moira Rouse, Rev. Cheryl Leshay, Sammi, Vicki Cox-Lanyon and Ken Basye sing the Choral Introit, “Sacred Circle” during the March 13, 2022 service.
Photo of the Week #5
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Sept. 30, 2012 when, from left, Susan Crossley’s sisters Matie and Kathe participated in Soup Sunday with Morgaine, Kristen Payson and Charlie dishing up the goods.
Photo of the Week #6
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Gourmet Dinner on March 28, 2015 when Andy Hegedus ebulliently posed for the camera.