The Rev. Aaron Payson, left, and the Rev. Cheryl Leshay process up the center aisle while all sing “Silent Night” during the Candlelighting Ceremony of the Christmas Eve Service on Dec. 24, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
Stanley Wilson, tenor, sings “A Lute Carol” by Mary Caldwell during the Christmas Eve Service on Dec. 24, 2021. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #3
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to 2011 when, from left, Director of Religious Education Deb Selkow was presented a handmade quilt by Denise Darrigrand and Samantha McDonald. The service included a tribute to Deb, who was retiring as DRE. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #4
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to Ferry Beach in 2012 when Mike and Robin Mitzcavitch posed outside the Dining Hall. (photo by Ruth Silver)
Photo of the Week #5
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to the opening words of a Religious Education session in the fall of 2007. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #6
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to this undated photo of Brenda Thompson directing the choir. Who do you recognize? (photo by Judy Savage)