As we turn to another season of Winter Holidays, we look forward to the opportunity to gather in-person and online, even as we continue to monitor the lingering pandemic and plan accordingly. The staff, lay-leadership and I have been planning for the upcoming services for many months and hope that this holiday will bring us closer to a sense of normalcy than we were able to achieve last year. It is indeed an act of faith that we bring joy, gladness, and a bit of revelry to this season as we mark the darkening days with candlelight, loving spirit, and all manner of sustenance for the body and soul. With his in mind, please join us for the full array of opportunities to worship and celebrate the season!
Sunday, December 5 – “Standing on the Rock of Ages” @ 10 am in-person and online. Join us as we gather together to honor Hannukah and consider the history of one of the seasons most beloved hymns.

Sunday, December 12 – “Journeying Toward Wholeness” @ 10 am in-person and online. Join us as we gather to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe and consider what is necessary today for those who journey toward new beginnings and places of safety and opportunity.

Sunday, December 19 – “The Fox and the House Sprite” @ 10 am in-person and online. Join us for our Annual Winter Solstice Celebration as honor the spirit of the season by turning to the Scandanavian tale of Tomten.

Sunday, December 19 – “Be Ye Lamplights in the Darkness” @ 4 pm in-person and online. Join us for our Annual Holiday Vespers Service featuring special music, our Children’s Pageant and an opportunity to gather for refreshments and conversation following the service. We look forward to seeing many of you in person! Our usual post-service tea will not be able to be served this year due to the challenges of social distancing. We will provide take-home cookies at each door to send you on your way!

Friday, December 24 @ 7 PM – “The Promise of Peace” in-person and online. Join us for our Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. This carols and lessons service will include special music and soloists to mark this special night with song and the familiar words long honored on this eve.

Sunday, December 26 @Z 10 am ONLINE ONLY –“A Christmas Kahoot!”. We’ll gather online this morning for a family fun service featuring a seasonal trivia game. Those wishing to play trivia during the service are invited to bring a smart device (phone, tablet or laptop) to be able to play. Prizes will be awarded for 1,2,&3 place!

Blessings, Aaron