Call to Action: Rally for our Freedom to Vote
When: Friday, Nov. 12, from 3-4 PM
Where: Lincoln Square, outside the old Worcester Memorial Auditorium. This is kitty corner from the policy station at the intersection of Highland Ave. and Main Street/Grove Street.
Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/dfadcoalition/event/426789/
I am co-hosting this event with a member of the 1st UU Parish of Weston. I am answering a call to action by the UUtheVote/Side With Love Action Center to demand our Senate pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. It may take ending or revising the filibuster to do this, but what better reason to get rid of this Jim Crow era legislative procedure than for protecting our democracy and making sure that everyone has equal access to voting regardless of where they live. It’s time to put a stop to what has been happening around the country, with states passing laws that make it more difficult for people to vote. Join us along with folks around the country during the Senate’s recess to send a message that we need and want these bills to pass.
For more information or to RSVP, click this link: https://www.mobilize.us/dfadcoalition/event/426789/
Another way to take action is to call Senators Warren and Markey and let them know how important it is to you that they do everything they can when they get back from their recess to get these voting rights bills passed and to end or revise the filibuster to get it done. Call this number to be connected to Warren and Markey: 1-888-453-3211. After you make your first call, hang up and redial to be connected to the second Senator. They need to know you support their efforts to get these bills passed.
Thank you for taking action!
Feel free to contact me directly or via with any questions.
Beth Posner-Waldron
Member, Side With Love Task Force
Coordinator, Get Out the Vote Team