An intergenerational choir sings “Quiet Holy Place,” the Choral Introit for the service on Oct. 24, 2021. From left, they are Linda Orcutt, Rachel Wagner, Samantha (holding “Batman,” a wolf stuffed animal), Ken Bayse, Moira Rouse and Kim McCoy. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #2
Bart Hill, left, and Mike Mitzcavitch pose after constructing the Little Free Library at the front of the church on Oct. 21, 2021. (photo by Linda Morse)
Photo of the Week #3
The Rev. Aaron Payson, left, addresses the attendees at the Special Congregational meeting on Oct. 24, 320231. Board President Sheri Linn looks on from the pulpit. Votes were taken on the gift of land across the street as well as the change of address. Both items passed. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #4
#uucwreads highlights the ways that books are part of our members’ lives. Here, Religious Exploration Director Robin Mitzcavitch holds a favorite book, “Stitchin’ and Pullin’ : A Gee’s Bend Quilt“ by Patricia C. McKissack. Robin did a whole year on racial justice in 2020-21 and incorporated this book. It used quilting to tell the history of the people and the town of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. (photo by Betty Jenewin)
Photo of the Week #5
This newspaper clipping from the UUCW archives takes us back to Sept. 22, 1973 and an ad for the church.
Photo of the Week #6
This photo from the UUCW archives takes us back to March 15, 1992 when John Patterson, left, and Andy Hegedus chatted at the installation of Rev. Elizabeth Espenshade as pastor of UUCW.