We are taking this opportunity to let you know what’s happening with the Pantry. 52 households came to our October distribution. That means we were able to offer lots of meats, produce, dry goods and miscellaneous. Thanks to some generous donors, we are even able to accommodate to a limited extent some special diets. All of this requires a great deal of cooperative effort. Due to the “curbside “ distribution method that we use, we are in good shape for our Saturday volunteers. However the prep work on Friday needs some strong backs and willing hands. If you are available on the third Friday of the month and are able to lift heavy boxes, we need you! We pick up food at the Food Bank in Shrewsbury at 12:30PM. Then we unload the truck at the Church around 2PM. Then at 5PM we need people to help set up the bags for distribution to our households. If you would like to add your name (and strength) to our list of volunteers, please let us know through this email: