The Health & Safety Team met recently and have recommended to the Board of Management and congregation that the buildings continue to open for small groups, worship, and rites of passage. We continue to offer means for meetings and events in the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and Meeting Room 1 to use multi-platform technology for offsite participation as well. All those using the building are asked to remain masked while inside and to continue to observe social distancing. Masks should be warn properly covering the nose and mouth. This requirement should be mentioned at the beginning of any gathering. The following protocol also remain in effect.
Small groups will have access to the 3 classrooms, Fellowship Hall and Lounge as determined by the available schedule and size of the group. In order to maintain personal distancing guidelines and other health and safety measures, the following protocol must be met and maintained by any group meeting in the building.
- Any group that wishes to meet in the building must first schedule their meeting with the Office Administrator, Jennifer Landry, who can be reached at or by message at 508-853-1942, ext. 102. No group can use the building without prior scheduling. Scheduling is on a first come, first serve basis. Access to the building (a key) is required unless prior arrangements have been made to open the building via the Office Administrator.
- All groups are required to meet while maintaining 6 feet of personal distance between members. Groups of up to 6 people can use the 3 classrooms. Groups of 10-15 are welcome to schedule use of the lounge. Groups of up to 50 are welcome to schedule use of the Fellowship Hall (except for the 3rd Saturday of every month and the Friday evening prior in order to set up for Food Pantry distribution).
- In order to guard against cross contamination, group members are asked to refrain from bringing items into the building other than personal technology, car keys and emergency medical items.
- No food is allowed at meetings in the building at this time. Beverages must be kept in a sealed container and disposed of in trash containers. Sunday morning fellowship food may be curtailed if this event is moved indoors.
- Groups must maintain a record of those in attendance and reasonable contact information for each at their meeting in order for there to be contact tracing if a member is found to be COVID-19 positive.
- Anyone who shows signs of COVID-19 is asked not to enter the building. If any member of the group shows signs or symptoms of COVID-19 the group facilitator is responsible for asking them to leave the building and as available to participate remotely until they are symptom free for 2 weeks or have tested negative for COVID-19.
- If a member of a group is suspected of having, or tests positive for, COVID-19, the group facilitator must inform the Office Administrator immediately in order for the space used to be deep cleaned.
- UUCW maintains free wireless connectivity for those groups wishing to use technology to allow others not attending in person to participate in meetings.
- Masks must be worn by anyone entering the building and while in the building, unless there is a medical reason for not complying with this as per the guidelines of the Commonwealth.
- All people entering the building are asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry and while exiting.
- Each meeting room in the building is equipped with contact-less disinfectant and hand sanitizer. These items are to remain in each room.
- At end of each meeting, groups are required to spray the table tops, chairs and door handles of the room occupied. This spray does not need to be wiped.
- Those using restroom facilities are also asked to use the disinfectant spray available to spray the toilet and sink upon exiting the bathroom. Washing hands after bathroom use is required of everyone.
- If you have a building use emergency or issues, please contact 508-853-1942 ext. 108.
- In addition to the rooms listed above, a large tent is set up outside Fellowship Hall which can also be used for meetings and can be scheduled by calling or emailing the office (see above). Capacity of the tent is approx. 25-35 people. The tent will remain up through mid-fall or until daytime temperatures fall below reasonable use guidelines for outside activities.
Blessings, Rev. Aaron Payson & the Health & Safety Team