8th Principle Group Outing – Friday, June 18 – The Niceties at Worcester County Light Opera Club

The 8th Principle Group is planning to see The Niceties at Worcester County Light Opera Club (WCLOC) on Friday June 18.

Tickets are available at their website.  You can go in person and it’s available by streaming.  https://www.wcloc.org/the-niceties

Synopsis: At an elite East Coast university, an ambitious young black student and her esteemed white professor meet to discuss a paper the college junior is writing about the American Revolution. They’re both liberal. They’re both women. They’re both brilliant. But very quickly, discussions of grammar and Google turn to race and reputation, and before they know it, they’re in dangerous territory neither of them had foreseen – and facing stunning implications that can’t be undone.

Join the 8th Principle Group as we work together “to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions.”

Questions: Rachel Keyo (tirachou at charter dot net)