Sharing my classes for free: Relaxation, healing and meditation through Yoga, Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi and fitness.
Please check the link in Meetups and check the Events and calendar to see the full schedule for the week.
You can join for free via Zoom:
- Monday at 11 am Yoga sculpting with weights for arms and core
- Monday at 6:00 PM Total Yoga Relaxation, guided meditation and self-reiki
- Tuesday at 11 am Yoga Sculpting for legs and core
- Tuesday at 7:00 PM Total relaxation with Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi
- Wednesday at 11:00 am Guided meditation for healing and comfort
- Wednesday at 6:00 PM Total Yoga Relaxation, guided meditation and self-reiki
- Thursday at 11:00 am Yoga Sculpting for legs and core
- Thursday at 6:30 PM Total relaxation with Qi-Gong and Tai-Chi
- Friday at 11:00 am Yoga sculpting with weights for arms and core
You can check the full schedule and links on Meetups.
This is my gift to the world.
Be well, stay safe.
Nina Cerviatti – nlcfitness1 at gmail dot com